• Season 6 Ep 4 Hour of the Wolf

    Fergus is drunk on Jamie Koolaid now and so am I. Is Young Ian young anymore? After this episode, no. Don’t ever leave Malva alone in your lab especially if you want to have sex with your husband because she’s gonna creep and peep. Word of the week is ensorcellment and I’m ready to be

  • Season 3 Ep 10: Heaven and Earth with a side of Typhoid

    Get on board this ship but watch out for the typhoid! Jamie is smokin with the old man glasses. Fergus and Marsali put out a fire. Lady Doctor Claire is in the house with a poppin new hat! I have one prediction for the next ep and it’s a really good joke…  

  • Season 3 Ep 7: Creme de Menthe – Minty Fresh?

    The honeymoon is over! Dr.Randall calls, Jamie and Claire still have a lot of ‘splainin to do, Young Ian the Deflowered, and I have some questions about some mystery scenes…

  • Season 2 – Ep 10 – “Prestonpans” We are Brothers Pt 2 – The Sad Stuff

    It’s “Prestonpans” Ep10 part two! Alright we talked about the happier stuff (Jamie and that bow!) but we gotta get to the sad stuff. We love these characters! Dougal the complex tragic hero, the shameless but still loveable Angus and his demise, the loss of innocence and some great battle sequences! Leave a comment! Battle too

  • Season 2 – Ep 7 – Close Your Eyes and Think of Scotland

    In this episode title “Faith”, how many tissues did you go through? My face is still puffy from crying. Claire and Jamie are tested once more and their Faith carries them through. Catriona Balfe’s performance is nothing short of a tour de force. I don’t need to see anymore from Black Jack Randall. Let’s just

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