• Urban in Scotland: Glasgow – Am I being punked?

    After horse back riding and searching for food in Oban, I begin driving down to Glasgow along the A82. Loch Lomond quietly extends its long length on my left flanked by sloping hills. Around the bends of the road, my car speeds hugging the curves but eventually slows to a crawl. I’m closer to the

  • Season 3 Ep 8 “First Wife” – First for a Reason

    Ep 8 knocked it outta the park since the Print Shop! Here are a few film making facts about Lallybroch location, Jenny isn’t buying the story, and be honest – if you were Jamie Fraser’s 2nd wife you’d curse Claire out too and grab that gun! 

  • Season 3 Ep 7: Creme de Menthe – Minty Fresh?

    The honeymoon is over! Dr.Randall calls, Jamie and Claire still have a lot of ‘splainin to do, Young Ian the Deflowered, and I have some questions about some mystery scenes…

  • Season 3 Episode 2: “Surrender”

    Episode dos!  Brad Pitt reprises his famous Legends of the Fall role! 😉  Jenny is poppin’ those kids out while filing her nails. Frank – You’re not bringing sexy back. Off Outlander Topic: Caitriona Balfe I want your skin but I’m not paying more than $20 for it.    

  • Urban in Scotland: A 3 Day Outlander Tour

    Inverness Tours with Hugh Allison I can’t say enough about Hugh Allison! His 2017 tours were largely booked seven months prior to my trip – He’s that good. He’s really wonderful and makes my trip extra special. The depth of his knowledge about Scottish history is bottomless! He’s a tall, avuncular man in his 50s

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