• Season 6 Ep 2 “Allegiance” Review

    This ep kicks up the pace after a slower premiere. Brianna is playing with matches and  forgets that her parents might die by fire (?), Jamie and Claire need to AirBnB that house immediately, I learned all about the French Birthing Technique and Malva learned a lot more. Tune in! Check out Twitter and Instagram

  • “Clanlands” Book Review from an (un)biased Fan

    Sam Heughan is a busy man. Not even a pandemic could slow him down! While the rest of us were noshing on chips watching Netflix and becoming a permanent fixture on our couch this guy was writing a book. When I first heard I thought oh god I hope he’s not becoming that celebrity who

  • Season 5 Ep 6 Better to Burn than Marry Recap

    There’s SO much to talk about! Let’s dive in cause we’re talking Jocasta’s tragic history, women moving away from all this political talk, Wylie being uber gross, and when the writers do things right and when they are tone deaf about slavery and race in the show.  

  • 2019 Wrap Up: The Good, Not So Good, But Ultimately Fun Outlander Year!

      This year has given and taken for Outlander fans. Whether you enjoyed Season 4 or not, there were other projects to see some of the show’s actors, new interviews to read and hear, (more unique dress choices from Caitriona Balfe) and cast appearances at award shows among many other things. With Season 5 on

  • New York Comic Con 2018 Part 1: Executive Producer Ron D. Moore

    Kicking off the big weekend I attended Outlander Executive Producer Ron D. Moore’s panel on Friday to get myself ready for Saturday. It was at a smaller venue near the mammoth Javits Center and so it was more intimate. Chris Parnell, the Sony Pictures Television Co-President, along with Mark A. Altman a “trekspert” and author, both moderated

  • Outlander NJ Con 2018 Recap!

    I did it! I made it through my first con! I learned so much! To summarize my time in a few words at the Creation Entertainment New Jersey Con 2018: lotsa cosplay, meeting new friends, seeing old friends, fun at the cast Q&As, blink-and-it’s-over pics with the cast, bad expo center food, and fun that

  • When Tobias Heard My Twitter Handle – San Diego Comic Con 2017

    The genius actor behind Black Jack Randall/Frank Randall in “Outlander”, the bumbling Edmure Tully on “Game of Thrones”, the tortured Brutus in “Rome”, the-gynecologist-with-a-penchant-for-gay-clubs Dr.Harries in “Catastrophe”, the smooth Nathaniel (“The Bodyguard”) Bloom in “The Honourable Woman”, and finally The Sexy, Smart, and Talented Boyfriend Lead in my quirky/rom-com/dramedy feature film co-starring me as The Neurotic

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