• Fan Book Review: The Making of Outlander: Official Guide to Seasons Three & Four

    During Droughtlander, it’s nice to revisit episodes and the moments you like best of the past few seasons before the next season premieres. Ahead of season five, one great way to do that is by reading Tara Bennett’s The Making of Outlander: The Official Guide to Seasons Three and Four which dives into each episode,

  • That’s a Wrap on 2018! The Cons, Tweets, and GMA Appearances with Sam!

    Happy new year! As a wild and crazy Outlander fan, 2018 brought some surprises. I didn’t get to return to Scotland this year since my 2017 trip mostly because I haven’t (yet) met my Jamie Fraser to cozy up with in a cabin in the Highlands. Don’t worry because I’m working on it. I’ll send

  • Mid Season 4 Check In!

        Hold on as this rollercoaster takes off!    Episode 5 “Savages” So many tears this episode! First, I am loving the opening between Adawehi and Claire. Two equals. Two lady healers talking about plants and thus “breaking bread” together. When Adawehi says about Brianna to Claire “she’s here”, did you think she knew

  • Season 4 Review So Far: Where do we go from here?

    Episode 4 “Common Ground” marks a quarter way through Season 4 of Claire and Jaime’s epic journey through the colonies. In true Outlander fashion, much has already happened and I’m wondering how will the story unfold from here? The teaser for Episode 5 dangles a carrot by way of Brianna: She looks awfully close to those

  • LIFE MADE: Just another Monday meeting Sam Heughan on GMA!

    Here’s the skinny on how the greatest day of my life happened!  It all started on a Thursday. I was given a heads up the night before by one of the admins of the New York Outlander 5 Boroughs Facebook group that GMA (Good Morning America incase you’re not clear) might be contacting a few

  • New York Comic Con 2018 Part 2: Veni, Vidi, Vici

    There are many benefits to living in New York City and one of them is when Outlander comes to New York Comic Con! This was the first year they came and thus it was my first time attending the Con as a fan (disregard that one time being dragged to only see the Exhibitors Hall by a

  • Outlander NJ Con 2018 Recap!

    I did it! I made it through my first con! I learned so much! To summarize my time in a few words at the Creation Entertainment New Jersey Con 2018: lotsa cosplay, meeting new friends, seeing old friends, fun at the cast Q&As, blink-and-it’s-over pics with the cast, bad expo center food, and fun that

  • Drums of Autumn Quotes

    I’m getting ready for Season 4 by reading “Drums of Autumn” by Diana Gabaldon. Here are some of my favorite quotes so far that I posted on Instagram. If you’re on Insta make sure you follow me! What are your favorites?  

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