• New York Comic Con 2018 Part 2: Veni, Vidi, Vici

    There are many benefits to living in New York City and one of them is when Outlander comes to New York Comic Con! This was the first year they came and thus it was my first time attending the Con as a fan (disregard that one time being dragged to only see the Exhibitors Hall by a

  • Outlander Season 3 Collector’s Edition: What’s in the box?

    As Droughtlander labors on, super fans like me pre-ordered the Season 3 Collector’s Edition and when it arrived, gleefully unwrapped the package with a smirk not unlike that of the Amazon’s logo. The first thing I noticed was how light it was compared to the hulking Season One Collector’s Edition but on second thought there

  • Season 3 Ep 10: Heaven and Earth with a side of Typhoid

    Get on board this ship but watch out for the typhoid! Jamie is smokin with the old man glasses. Fergus and Marsali put out a fire. Lady Doctor Claire is in the house with a poppin new hat! I have one prediction for the next ep and it’s a really good joke…  

  • Byee 2016! Hello Outlander Season 3 2017!

    It’s a Special Holiday Edition: Jamie in a stocking (kind of), EW came out with an official Season 3 photo and it sent people into a tizzy – what’s up with the anti-Frank Randall comments? Are you signing up for Sam Heughan’s My Peak Challenge 2017? I salute you from my couch. Also, I’m about

  • Jumping Over the Moon: “The Making of Outlander” Book

    When I heard that a book was coming out about the making of the first two seasons of Starz’s Outlander, I was over the moon. No I really jumped over the moon that’s how excited I was!   Tara Bennett’s book, “The Making of Outlander”, hits my sweet spots: Production + Outlander = How my

  • There is No Conspiracy. Just Real People Making A Show.

    Photo courtesy of outlander-online.com Following post inspired by “The Making of Outlander” book by Tara Bennett. You can read a review of it here.   In light of appreciation for the hard work that goes into making this show, I really need to give my two cents about some other hot-button Outlander things that I

  • Dragonfly in Amber: Reflections on the book & the TV adaptation

                So Season 2 ended (with a bang I think!) and “Dragonfly in Amber” (aka DIA) beckoned me from my bookshelf as Droughtlander began. I read DIA for the first time after Season 2 ended. This was a theme I began after seeing Season 1 and then reading the first book “Outlander”. All of this

  • When Sparks Light the Fire – Fandom Through My Years

    Cassettes, CDs, posters, live recordings, pins, VHS tapes, concert tickets, t-shirts, baseball hats, magazine clippings, MTV interviews and music videos…   When I was an adolescent, I had an obsession with the band Bush. For any who may not know, this was Gavin Rossdale’s band in the mid to late 90’s (it was never just

  • When you want to be a Big Bad Producer on a show like Outlander

      Since the start of the new year, I’ve been focused on gaining more clarity about what I want my career to look like.  I listened to Maril Davis explain how she bailed on Ronald D.Moore when she began working for him and then through the twists and turns of life ended up working for

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