With one more month to go before the Season 2 premiere, there are so many exciting events going on in the Outlander world! An influx of new promo pics, latest trailer, new characters, spoilers, and Tartan parades leaves this Urban Outlander’s head swirling! Where to begin and how to participate in all of the fandom while still retaining new, fresh, and virginal eyes to the second season?
There are several new and exciting things to look forward to in Season 2 but first, lets look at what’s going on in New York City in the next few weeks:
Saks Fifth Avenue will have Outlander window displays beginning March 22nd!
Saks is not normally (or ever) my go-to shopping store but it will be the place that will showcase the new season’s costumes in six (count em six!) windows. Saks is known for creating lavish and extravagant displays and with all of the photos of Season 2’s opulent costumes, I can only imagine what they will look like! A pilgrimage is on for Saturday March 26th! I’m getting my friends together and if you are in NYC and wanna join for an afternoon Outlandish adventure, holla back @urbanoutlander or my FB page!
I feel like the PR for Season 2 is in FULL swing with this Saks promotion! I wasn’t watching the show when the first season premiered but I do remember the bus ads for the mid season premiere (that’s when the insidious seed was planted). I look forward to seeing Jamie and Claire’s face smack dab on the side of a mammoth NYC bus in the coming weeks!
Do I hear the sound of bagpipes on 6th Avenue?
My one year anniversary of falling in love with the show (and the books) is coming up! In this haze of new-found love, I’ve learned about new things such as the annual Tartan Parade on April 9th! At first, I saw a few smatterings online about the event but then something strange happened. Suddenly there was this incredible announcement that some guy named Sam Heughan was going to be the Grand Marshall this year. Honestly, I wasn’t planning on going but now…I AM SO GOING TO THAT PARADE! Just to be on the same block or avenue as him will please me greatly but the more I think about a parade of proud Scotsmen and women celebrating their heritage, I think what fun! I don’t know a ton about Scotland or its heritage but why not take this opportunity to get a wee nip?
How appropriate for this celebration to commence on the same day as the Season 2 premiere!? It’s like Christmas has arrived early this year and I’m a 5 year old ready to see Santa in his sleigh coming down 6th Avenue and then he invites me onboard for some hot chocolate and a shit load of toys and away we gooo!
It has been brought to my attention that I totally missed the boat on marching in the parade with Outlanders United and that’s a shame. But there’s always next year! Who will be the Grand Marshall then I wonder?
In other Outlander Season 2 fandom news….
The new music! The new costumes! THE SPOILERS!
I’m excited to hear Bear McCreary’s sonorous sounds in light of this classic French epoc. I wasn’t thinking much about the music as one of the new elements of the season but I was happy to see this article explaining that yes it will be different. And why not? As a composer your job is to tell a story through music and it should relate and harken to the age in which the story takes place.
(Unless you’re Sofia Coppola and prefer to juxtapose contemporary rock music against the lush visual tones of this golden age of French couture. See her Marie Antoinette if you’re très curious)
Nevertheless, here’s to Baroque French music in Season 2! My ears will be delighted.
Peer closely and doesn’t this look familiar in the trailers and promo pics? Google Baroque Music and find out why…
While my ears enjoy the pluck of a viola, my eyes will relish the slopes of satin fabrics and dainty shoes with diamond buckles! Ms.Terry Dresbach, the unimitable Costume Designer, and her team will outdo themselves as our Scottish friends venture through the labyrinthine gardens and streets of Paris. As Bear McCreary tells a story with music, Ms.Dresbach’s instrument is costume.
As a DIA Virgin, I’ve noticed a few online rumblings about “the red dress”. What is this dress? I ask myself. I’ve caught certain remarks attributed to the book about Claire not wearing a corset for some event. Of course, I have no idea about the circumstances but I do know that the moment this promo pic was released, many (book) fans were agog.

Va Va Voom!
Do you think Target or Nordstrom Rack will have a knock off soon? Fingers crossed.
One other element of all of this build up to Season 2 – The hype! The PR! The Dresses! The trailer! – are the spoilers.
Shout out to all the DIA Virgins out there! As mentioned previously, I have not read Dragonfly in Amber in order preserve the element of surprise that was such an aphrodisiac in watching Season 1 unfold.
I know that in creating this blog and taking the plunge to get on Twitter and join Outlander Facebook groups, I am treading in dangerous territory. I have made my proverbial bed and every day I do my best to skim over any of the spoilers that are rampant throughout social media. I don’t blame the fans who want to talk about all the goings-ons but oh lawd! It’s like the monster hiding around the corner waiting to pounce! I’ve managed to escape a few times but every now and then…it gets me!
It’s not just the fans but the stars themselves who end up spoiling it for me. Caitriona Balfe in a recent TV Guide interview casually explains what her character says to Frank upon her return and I’m all like…Whaaaaatt?! Thanks…….?
No big deal. Just me and my DIA Virgin friends have only delighted in guessing what she must say to him and now I kinda know what she says!….Thanks. I can only hope that there is more than that to add to the intrigue and drama.
In other spoilers: With the casting announcements (and speculations) of some of the new characters this season, I’ve had to look passed fans’ comments about how each addition plays into the story. But it’s difficult not to see these mentions and then your imagination starts running and all the while you’re begging it not to take you but inevitably it holds on tight (hey that reminds me of a Madonna song…) and you’re at its mercy.
Additionally, our favorite couple recently graced the front cover of Entertainment Weekly and as I eagerly sat down to take a look at the article, I had to quickly avert my virginal eyes!
No not because they’re basically naked but rather because of the spoilers that run rampant in that article! It’s criminal! From the new characters to excerpts from the 9th book! I mean there are times wherein I feel like an island unto myself! Throw up my hands and I wonder how much more can I take?! Is it all in vain?!
How does one stay a virgin in these murky and tempestuous waters of the Outlander fandom? I could stay in doors and not go out or at least prohibit the use of social media in all its forms. Perhaps the tweeting and page posting opens Pandora’s box but truth is I enjoy seeing the excitement and catching the buzz!
Once the show starts airing again therein lies the real challenge. I’ll be vlogging more about the episodes and looking forward to sharing in the fans’ reactions as the season unfolds.
I’ll just be perusing the comments verra carefully.