There is No Conspiracy. Just Real People Making A Show.

By theurb03

Photo courtesy of

Following post inspired by “The Making of Outlander” book by Tara Bennett. You can read a review of it here.


In light of appreciation for the hard work that goes into making this show, I really need to give my two cents about some other hot-button Outlander things that I won’t apologize for. Honestly, I feel qualified to say it given my professional experience so anyone else who thinks they know better (when they really don’t), suck it. The following opinions are not for every fan of the show and books. You know who I’m talking to. I don’t work on the show (yet) but I know some things about how this wheel turns.

First, don’t talk about things that you don’t know anything about. i.e. Production. It’s a process. People make mistakes including the show’s producers and writers (I’m still waiting for hot springs/cave sex from Book 1). But to be dismissive of the process and act as though you know better when you really have never placed one foot on a set or in a writer’s room makes you look like an idiot.

Terry Dresbach (Costume Designer), Maril Davis (Executive Producer), and Matt B. Roberts (Writer/Producer) all had the experience of simply being fans before the show. I bet if you got all the Outlander fans in a room, it would look a lot like the war room in Season 2: Everyone would argue with no real resolution and you’d have at least one dandy thinking he knew better when really he had no clue as he walked around in a garish tartan outfit.

It’s your decision to watch the show or not but don’t make the comment, “How hard would it have really been to shoot X at Y location?” because you have no idea. These are not arbitrary decisions.

I.E. Jamie and Claire’s “quickie” in Season 2’s finale episode: That’s in the book! Don’t say that it’s not. I didn’t even like that part! I thought it was almost out of character for Jamie. If you want to romanticize him into a hero who doesn’t do any wrong, I felt like him “taking” her was totally bizarre. Diana Gabaldon writes in the book that it “wasn’t making love” and yeah buddy, it wasn’t. So when Maril Davis says they stuck to the book, why yes they did. Why didn’t they shoot their last romantic night in the cottage that was in the book? Maril and Matt B. Roberts explained that it was logistics and the cottage was never established in Season 1. I think that makes sense. Why? I dunno, I work in Production and understand that moving crew and equipment, on time and within budget, is challenging? Because I’m sensible? Because although it was nice reading it in the book, it would’ve slowed down the pace of the last episode? They only had 13 episodes! You just can’t have everything.

The final product will never (EVER) meet every fan’s satisfaction. That is the nature of the Outlander Production Adaptation Beast and the nature of people’s imaginations.

And if the supposed “conspiracy” to hijack Diana Gabaldon’s vision really bothers you then stop watching and stick your nose in her books.

Listen, we get emotionally attached to these characters. Those passionate feelings are valid but sometimes they cloud reason. But please keep in mind that these people work really hard. Nothing is arbitrary but rather a lot of thought is put in. Sometimes mistakes are made but we gotta move on.

The credits at the end of each episode are the names of people. Real people. So continue watching and have some consideration when you voice an opinion or stop and just read the damn books.


For a few other “Dragonfly in Amber” book vs. Season 2 thoughts, read more here.


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  1. Reply

    I wish more people would say stuff like this – and that more people would use their common sense about it. Sheesh. Great job – I think I get too wordy sometimes.

  2. Patti

    You have got to be a part of the production of this show somehow. You are taking this way too seriously.

    What television show or movie out there doesn’t have those who love and those who criticize it? Sometimes it will feel personal – you may have worked hard to produce your part of the show – but that’s part of being an adult and putting your product out there.

    I sell insurance. All day long I hear I’m a rip off, I’m heartless, how can I do this?!?! Like I have any choice howcthd company runs things. But then one day I get to hand some one a check for $25,000 when their car is totaled… and I’m a hero.

    I love Diana’s books and am not happy with the way the show has portrayed Jaime. I don’t hate everything. However I do think that colored most parts of the story S2.

    I appreciate your honesty and I appreciate your hard work for the show… whatever you do, but really… Everyone has an opinion and you are entitled to yours just like those who watch are entitled to theirs. You work for the public, you need to be able to take the good with the bad.

    ….just like I do. : )

    1. Jordyn

      Thank you for your comment. What a compliment that you think I work for the show! Someday maybe the dream will come true. For now, I take people’s casual attitude that a show like this is “easy” or “why can’t a camera just be pointed and shoot them carving initials into each other’s hands” a little personally. Production isn’t easy and I just ask that a little more thought be put into comments. That doesn’t mean you still can’t like that they didn’t include something (or did but you didn’t like it anyway). Point is a lot of hard work is put into the show and some people’s criticisms don’t consider it. Feel free to not like something the show did (there’s a few things I don’t like that they did) but as I mentioned none of it is arbitrary.

  3. Reply

    Pure common sense.
    You make me happy to be a fan of Diane her books and the fantastic productions brought to life.
    People are entitled to their opinions no matter how ridicules true enough. But, some of the stuff I have seen written makes me worry about the survival of mankind as a species.
    I have stopped reading people opinions but yours caught my eye. Glad a did. Hope you get that dream job you deserve it.

    1. Jordyn

      Thanks so much Jacqueline. Yes people are entitled to their opinions but it drives me batty when it’s directed to the wrong people or insensitive. “But you don’t know what you don’t know” some say. Thanks for reading and your well wishes!

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